Can You Identify What Brings You Joy?

Name your top five pet peeves. Name the things that bothered you today. Now, name a moment where you experienced joy. Name the things that brought you a sense of delight today. Which one seemed easier to complete, annoyances or delights? If you are like most people, the annoyances were probably top of mind. In fact, you may find yourself rehearsing these annoyances over and over again throughout your day. By the end of the day the actual annoyance has now created even more feelings of irritation or even anger from thinking about it. This is neither good nor bad but just is. However, when this becomes constant it can also take you out of the present moment. You may miss some of the things that went “right” during your day.

The goal of mindfulness activities is to be aware of the present moment whatever may be happening there. When we focus on just the negative or even just the positive we can miss the fullness of our experience for the day. To create a different rhythm of reflection and thought, challenge yourself to capture the delights during your day. For the next 90- days jot down one or more things that brought you delight.

If you want a space to capture these moments, check out “The Delight Journal”